23 Apr 2007

Arthritis Care 60th birthday bash and steam trains

Today I had the honour of an invitation to the 60th Anniversary celebration of Arthritis Care - David Drew MP was apparently not available! As a local councillor I was next best thing perhaps....

Photos: Clifford Howell and me and below more of the Arthritis Care group

Anyhow Clifford Howell, Stroud Branch Chairperson of Arthritis Care made an opening speech about Arthritis Care then I was invited to talk about my own experiences of disability as a Social Worker and also being seriously ill with a chronic illness. I was also able to talk about running self-management courses for people with chronic conditions - these had initially been organised by Arthritis Care - I'll enclose more on this in a separate post...

I also talked about the progress Stroud District Council was making by involving people with disabilities in their consultations and plans. After a toast and cake cutting the 50 to 60 members present sang Happy Birthday.

Photo: Steam train leaving Stroud

There was then a fascinating talk about Steam trains in the Five Valleys including tales of the Dursley Donkey and the Chalford Flyer.

Photo: Chalford Flyer

The talk took in many wonderful old photos of our area - my how things have changed!

Photo: train going across Victory Park, Cainscross

After that talk I got tea, cake and the chance to pull the raffle numbers out and present prizes - it was then goodbyes and onto a couple of Ebley Mill meetings.


treat arthritis said...

Your parenting skills and your ability to parent may have been tested if you live with arthritis pain. Physical limitations can interfere with your energy level and ability to share certain activities with your kids, for example. Not only that -- your patience, ability to discipline, and ability to cope with issues such as sibling conflict may be shortchanged.

Philip said...

Thanks for comment - yes came across such experiences when I ran some self-management courses:

Not easy for folk indeed and sadly not understood by many.