4 Mar 2007

Blood Moon over Stroud

I've added these photos of yesterdays moon taken from my window - it was great to watch the moon slowly being 'eaten' - a total eclipse -the first time this has been visible from the UK since Jan 2001 - the phenomenon occurs when the Earth passes directly between the Moon and the Sun.

Light scattering through the Earth's atmosphere is reduced to predominantly red wavelengths which reflect off the lunar surface. See more here. The weather was great for viewing and it lasted over an hour - yes the photos aren't great but they show it progressively getting more red.

In ancient times a "Blood Moon" was viewed with dread and seen as an omen of great change or disaster. Columbus allegedly used such an eclipse to threaten natives in Jamaica saying the Almighty is displeased with the natives treatment of the sailors: when the moon disappeared the natives pleaded with Columbus who duly spoke with the Almighty and the moon was restored. See more here.

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