17 Feb 2007

How can I reduce CO2 in my office? And One Bin Day on 21st Feb

How can I reduce CO2 in my office? This was a question recently put to me from someone wanting to green up their employer - another Green party member kindly suggested wrote this:

Envirowise has produced a free CD-ROM toolkit offering small businesses the opportunity to cut office waste and save money. The 'Green Officiency CD-ROM' is designed to help office-based businesses reduce waste and their use of resources such as paper, water and energy - as part of Envirowise's programme geared to helping companies improve their environmental practices.

For a free copy of the Green Officiency toolkit, please visit the Envirowise website or call 0800 585 794.
I can also recommend EnVision http://www.envisionsw.org.uk/ as a consultancy which finds win-win solutions for businesses to increase profits, save energy and save waste.

It is interesting to see that Envirowise are promoting One Bin Day for 21st Feb: the suggestion is to take all the bins away from your colleagues, and put one bin in the centre of the room - then just see what happens. If your office is average, that one bin will quickly become full. Full of waste that can easily be reduced, reused or recycled. The suggestion is then to explore ways forward and take action:more on their website.

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