26 Jan 2007

New Island appears! Greenland disappearing...

I have to share this 'extraordinary experience' that was sent to me - a new island appearing in front of their very eyes - see the blog here. Is this real or some internet scam? It looks amazing and evidence of the huge powers of nature...

...just read a scary report in The Ecologist re Greenland disappearing at an astonishing rate - 80km3 loss had been expected for 2006 but latest NASA figures show 287km3 has gone. The consequences of this ice sheet melting cannot be overstated - sea levels would rise several metres destroying cities like London and Liverpool. Why is the world not acting? We should all be in a state of emergency.

Sadly some have said it will take several more Katrinas each year for the next few years before Governments really wake up....at least there are many positive responses locally like Transition Towns Stroud (TTS) and the Councils Environment Strategy. If blog readers have particular ideas or want to get more involved in solutions locally then do please contact me.

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