30 Dec 2006

Faecal coliform in Ruscombe Spring

Whiteshill and Ruscombe Parish Council test the water yearly at Middlespring - the photo is of the report - apols as it appears too small to read - basically reasonably OK except a faecal coliform in the Spring. This is worrying as it is before the Spring runs through the valley and certainly makes the Spring water unfit for human consumption.

The Parish will be writing to SDC - but I was also asked to seek advice from the Ruscombe Brook Action Group members. I am awaiting replies - is this the result of a leaking sewage pipe or sceptic tank or cattle or what? There also appear to be no tests for pesticides or herbicides. I've also just sent a handful more of emails to seek further information about the best way forward - it all lends support for the partnership we are hoping to develop to look at all issues along the brook.

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