18 Nov 2006

Recycle those Tetra Paks

A Randwick resident kindly forwarded this address for those who want to recycle Tetra Paks:

Recycling - Tetra Pak
c/o Perrys Recycling
Showground Road

You can download labels at this website and read more:

Stroud is not currently among the 7% of Councils who collect Tetra Paks. The Randwick resident also suggests: "The best thing they can do - apart from sending the paks off to be recycled - is phone the recycling officer at stroud county council (01453 754424) and voice their concerns over needless waste. Thanks for your support."

Excellent advice - and hopefully with the new Environment Green paper it will allow for these suggestions to be taken with the seriousness they need to be.

Of course as a society we should be moving more towards for re-use. Regional authorities for example must bring businesses together so that packaging can be standardised to facilitate re-use. An example of what can be achieved can be found in Canada where in 1992 brewers voluntarily standardized bottles so they would be interchangeable. Currently 90% are standardized. There is a deposit on the bottles and return rates in excess of 90%.

In Nova Scotia province, most beverage containers bear a deposit, including TetraPak and aluminium cans. Half the deposit is refunded to consumer on return of beverage container. The remainder funds the collection scheme with the surplus used to finance other waste recovery products. The province has 84% recovery rate. That's the direction our Government should be moving.

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