16 Nov 2006

Randwick Parish meeting

It gets too much trying to keep on top of this Blog - and let's face it alot of this may only be relevant to a few - perhaps need to keep the entries shorter or miss out items like this one? Do people want to know that I spent 3 or 4 hours at Development Control on Tuesday - discussing issues like Badbrook Hall in Stroud just along from the cinema - or will be on site visits next week to look more carefully at some key developments? Or that an hours meeting was spent discussing canals and cycle paths? I can feel you readers out there glazing over already.....

Tonight Randwick Parish Council had a meeting - more relevant to local readers of this Blog - a brief summary will be in the Randwick Runner but lots of the discussion revolved around how much the precept needed to be raised to maintain footpaths etc, plus we also met Pamela Thorne, the new Village Agent for the area, Mort noted he has now taken over as Chair of the Village Hall Redevelopment committee - they are looking now at how much can be raised as the latest plans seem to be too ambitious, there was a discussion re the MUGA and how much the Parish could support it financially - a token £1000 looks set to be put aside as many of the village will benefit especially those in Lower Randwick.....also discussed how to look at Parish Plan and implement it...plus an updated list of grit bins has been created with the hope to get ones with lids...and much more...but perhaps the sadest news was that Tracey Waite, a Parish councillor who has done huge amounts for Randwick is stepping down as her work committments have changed - she has been tireless in helping with the Parish Plan and indeed the Parish as a whole - councillors all noted regret at her leaving - good luck in your changed of direction!

Enough writing, I have the distict feeling you've already drifted away and I'm writing to myself! Time for sleep!


Anonymous said...

your efforts are not wasted. Some find this stuff interesting. We should all take more time on local issues that may improve our quality of life and add to sustainability. Perhaps one day everyone will wake up to the fact that material things are less important when the power runs out, or tghe water stops or you become ill with little chance of a cure. Most people are to too prepared to sit on their bum and let others do the work of trying to improve our lives only to complain of their efforts. I wish more politicians would tell us what they do. Mind you that goes for an awfull lot of other people.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the poster above. All local issues that affect us are worth bringing to people's attention. If they don't want to know and just continue to concentrate on their 4X4s there will still be some of us willing to try and make a difference and create a more peaceful, cleaner and more beautiful world. You're doing your bit to keep us alert and informed of both the dangers around and the good work being done so keep going!