20 Nov 2006

More sewage - but we now have manhole numbers

At the end of last week there was another sewage incident in a home in Ruscombe - incident 14 for them - the householders have been regularly having their garden and drive covered in sewage - this time Severn Trent responded within 2 hours - a record time! However jetting the pipes each time is not tackling the cause of the problem - the raw sewage is an unacceptable health risk and we need to find long term solutions to this problem. We will be taking this incident up further.

And talking of sewage we have another Ruscombe Brook Action Group meeting tomorrow night - we now have plans of the sewer network with numbered manholes so we can report incidents specifically after a problem was missed by a Severn Trent team who didn't understand a houseolders description. RBAG members will have copies of plans and we can copy them for people who want them - call me on 01453 755451.

Other issues to discuss at the RBAG meeting will include fat traps, a deal with Ecotopia on their laundry balls, the offer of £3000 to draw up proposals for the brook, setting up a Partnership with other organisations and much more!

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