9 Nov 2006

Iraq inquiry, Nairobi and Israel

Have tried in vain so far to get a number of important issues reported in the local press this last week - David Drews' vote against calling for a public inquiry on Iraq. I find this odd the press seem so reluctant - this was a big issue nationally - and especially locally - will challenge press again to cover it - if only to find out David Drews' reasoning for his vote. The international conference in Nairobi is another important news item - but despite it's huge potential impact on the lives of all of us, it is seen as an international issue not for local press...

Anyhow before Breakfast I also dased off an email re the 19 more Palestinians who were killed by Israeli shelling. I have to say I am appalled by the continuing violence - my email calls on Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett to end British government collusion with the Israeli government's aggression and occupation. Even before this latest atrocity, Israel has killed over 63 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in just a week. Yet Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett has still refused to call on Israel to end its assault. I understand there is a protest today opposite Downing Street, London.

But have to say it is a gorgeous morning - the cobwebs looked incredible (see photo of my garden that doesn't do justice)!

To the Foreign Secretary :

Ms. Margaret Beckett

Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, SW1A 2AH, London

Dear Ms. Beckett,

You demonstrate clearly in your press release dated 3rd November that you and the British government disregard the lives of the Palestinian people who are constantly under attack from the army of an occupier deemed illegal under international law. In response to the murders by the Israeli army last week you stated: “We call for an immediate end to the launching of rockets against Israeli civilian targets, and to all forms of violence. “

The death toll in Gaza since last week has now reached over 50 Palestinians including medics, teachers and children going to school as well as the women protesting at the attacks on their mosque and their menfolk.

Would you please explain:

1. Why the British government does not call for an immediate end to the use of fighter jets, missiles and rockets by the Israeli army?

2. Why the British government does not condemn these latest killings by the Israeli army?

3. You state that “We deeply regret the deaths of civilians on both sides” can you please inform us of how many Israelis have been killed by the rockets you mention?

Finally, you state “any action should be proportionate and in accordance with international humanitarian law”, please inform us of what steps the British government has taken to bring pressure upon the Israeli government to act within this aspect of international humanitarian law.

Yours sincerely,

Philip Booth

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