7 Oct 2006

Local press - does it have an impact?

Had to include this picture of the arches across from Waitrose in Stroud - had a wonderful short walk there today - it really is magical around the canal and river. Let's hope plans for redevelopment there are good - more of that another time...

I wanted to ask what people thought about letters to the local press - in my role as Press Officer for the local Green party I have been sending the usual flow of letters and news releases to local press - interesting that I seem to have been quoted more often in papers outside Stroud District this week - examples include Gloucester Citizen on cemetaries, Shire Hall windmills in Cirencester-based Standard and Glos Echo about waste. See the website for other news items.

All very time consuming so I sometimes wonder if responding to press on all such matters is worth all the time - but then the Green party gets so few mentions - especially nationally - that using the local press is one way we can get people to understand our policies - but then again as Tories are proving and even admitting - they are doing OK without any policies!

What do people think? Add your comment below...


Anonymous said...

Don't bother with any of that media - all a waste of time and rarely look at the issues that really matter. How can Blair get away with not telling the truth over Iraq? How will papers funded by travel ads and car ads ever call governments to account over climate change? Get your news from places like: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/
Or maybe the Green party website?

Anonymous said...

Read Chomsky on what makes mainstream media mainstream: