20 Sept 2006

Light an internet candle for victims

The innocent victims of Internet child abuse cannot speak for themselves. A campaign has been launched to highlight this - they are asking that you light a candle of support .

They're aiming to light at least One Million Candles by December 31, 2006. This petition will be used to encourage governments, politicians, financial institutions, payment organisations, Internet service providers, technology companies and law enforcement agencies to eradicate the commercial viability of online child abuse. They have the power to work together. This petition is about making them act.

1 comment:

Philip said...

UPDATE: 80,000 candles were lit in week one, 202,000 by week two. The 500,000 mark was passed on October 9, less than 30 days after the launch. One month later the one millionth candle was lit. There have also been more than three million page views.