9 Aug 2006

Street lighting: turn off after 1.00am?

I have had suggestions that the street lighting in villages should be turned off after say 12.00 or 1.00am. I recognise exterior lighting is needed for safety and other reasons, and that changes have to be done with some care and consultation, but to me this is a win-win situation: tackling climate change emissions, reducing energy bills that look set to rise and tackling light pollution.

I have in the past raised the issue of growing light pollution in the UK. It is also apparently a growing source of complaints to local authorities and is impacting on the natural day/night behaviour of wildlife.

Gloucestershire County Council have produced a paper - not available to us until it goes to their Cabinet on 4th September - they are apparently looking at street lighting and also plan consultation. I have spoken with officers involved and written to the Cabinet Portfolio holder expressing hope that they will explore these options. There are also many new lighting systems on the market which are far more energy efficient and reduce light pollution. These can pay for themselves within a number of years.

Any thoughts?

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