Certainly issues of road safety are more complicated than at first glance: the very uneven surface of this road with it's potholes and even in one place a spring hushing from the middle of the road, makes traffic slow considerably. When the road gets the holes filled, as it seems to on a regular basis, then traffic again speeds up - and regularly travels too fast for the pedestrians who regularly use this road with no pavement - several people have said to me the whole road should be repaired properly as it is damaging cars - my answer is that perhaps those people are driving too fast? This is after all a very minor, all-be-it important road. I use it virtually every day but in a world with limited resources I would prefer to see money put to other uses like a more efficient bus service.
Having said all that it is clear that there are limits to the state of the road - and those were certainly reached after a storm earlier in the year which left very deep pot holes - these have been repaired although they all show signs of wear again and a small stream can gush from one of them when it is wet! It does seem to indicate that it would be more cost effective to tackle the causes of the problem on this stretch rather than repeated filling in of holes?
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