18 Aug 2006

Bin bags add to litter problem

Randwick Parish Council raised the issue regarding the delivery of black dustbin sacks. In Stonehouse rolls of bags are delivered yearly, however when Randwick requested this they were informed that this was not possible. I wrote for clarification - those black bags tied into a knot and left outside householders doors are one of the key litter problems in the Parish (I photographed the bag left this morning) - a touch ironic in that they are designed to remove our rubbish.

Cllr Nigel Cooper, Cabinet member for the Environment, has given a very quick response acknowledging our concerns like litter, security (bags left lying around indicate someone is away), health & safety (the Serviceteam staff have to remove their safety gloves to tie up the bags, then may not on occasions put them on again) and time wasted with current arrangements.

Apparently the annual supply was an experiment with mixed results - not sure what that means but suspect some people ran out and resorted to other bags which may have led to problems. Anyway the whole question of black bags is on the agenda for the next quarterly meeting with Service Team on 18th September and they will raise the Parishes concerns. We will hopefully get a clearer picture after that.

I do have concerns that the Health and Safety Executive have questioned the whole practice of black bags - suspect they want to move towards wheely bins which in my view are ugly, difficult for many to store and very hard for many to maneuver.

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