14 Jul 2006

Post box slots too small!

The Parish Council last night had received a letter back from the post office saying they would not be extending the size of the box mouths in the Parish to cater for A4 envelopes. This seems to me another example - all be it very small - of the slow deterioration of our postal services. Post offices closing - we've already lost Whiteshill PO locally, Abbeyfield in Gloucester had it's closure confirmed yesterday - and failure to invest in improvements to bring standards up to the age we are living in.

It seems extraordinary how shabby POs are compared to other High Street 'names' - the Government has failed dismally to invest in what should be a leading successful brand on every High Street - the latest pilot move with WH Smiths to improve a number of stores (not in our area) is sadly more privatisation and will likely leave the other services - especially rural - which can't turn the profits - to close.

It was also noted that in the next weeks A4 letter price was due to increase more than the ordinary size.

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