25 Jul 2006

The Plain, Whiteshill - traffic problems remain unresolved

Another issue that comes up regularly is traffic in the two parishes. This is a County Council issue rather than a District Council one but clearly it has huge implications for all and I think we all need to pull together to find a solution. It is certainly worth letting me, the Parishes and particularly County councillors know about concerns.

This week I've had an email re The Plain (see photo) - the main road through Whiteshill - it is plainly too fast and has those absurd humps do little to slow traffic and only add to noise and look ugly! It was in many ways very sad that the road was straightened in the past as that has only increased speed along it.

I am also against mass parking restrictions on The Plain - this was raised last year at a Parish Council meeting - then I made the point, widely accepted by traffic engineers, that parked cars usually slow traffic, whereas the open road tends to speed traffic. However where it is single file, in some locations, this can lead to cars racing to reduce waiting time of cars coming the other way.

Randwick Parish have also raised problems repeatedly and a few weeks ago I was at a meeting with a group of concerned residents at Nouncells Cross looking at how road dangers could be reduced - they had a huge consultation and plans drawn up by the county over a year ago, but nothing has happened since. Clearly there are funding difficulties and priorities must be those with the most accidents but that doesn't mean we should not look at problems that are adversely effecting communities.

Whiteshill and Ruscombe Parish have had the Highways department to look at The Plain - answers were in my view very unsatisfactory - traffic is too fast for many parents to even let their children cross the road on their own to the playground - yet there is no room for a crossing and apparently no way a 20 mph can be put on this road. I understand the Parish are contesting this. I have fully supported this move.

A 20 mph is by no means an answer - nor do I think the answer lies in temporary flashing speed sign that is being considered - I understand that several sites will be looked at and it may be moved to different sites during it's proposed initial 6 weeks in the Parish. At the last parish meeting it was also noted that speeds before and after should be taken to see if it has any effect.

My own view is that we need to start looking at more radical solutions - I have been involved in a project looking at the Shared Spaces approach - where implemented properly it has reduced traffic speeds, congestion and accidents. The Parish may look at a consultant to consider what might be possible - to read more see my brief article on the subject.

I hope this might offer some solutions - humps are not only noisy but ugly and do little to slow traffic - indeed people still speed over the middle of them on The Plain - and we need a solution!

If 'Shared Spaces' ideas seem possible I know the Parish will be looking at consulting - certainly they are open to ideas - sadly it is County that holds the purse strings and have also relied on traditional 'solutions' involving more signs, more humps, more barriers etc. Another huge disatvantage is that I understand that this road is designated as a route for use by emergency vehicles - a route to Gloucester Royal etc - infact I think that was part of why the road was straightened in the first place.

Ideas welcomed! Whiteshill and Ruscombe Parish will be discussing the matter further at future meetings.

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