6 Jul 2006

Hamwell Leaze: support growing for a partnership to tackle brook problems

Over 15 people from many different agencies and organisations attended the Hamwell Leaze site in the rain to see what plans British Waterways might have for the site - flooding so bad today that I was only one to brave the raging torrents along a footpath in my wellies - we then decamped to the Parish Council offices.

In short British Waterways only have money to de-silt the Lake at the Lawns (£25,000) and will not be doing anything at Hamwell Leaze. I am still not clear as to why we had a site visit if they knew this - but perhaps they, like us, were hoping another option might have been possible.

The Lawns work will be completed by the end of the year - the much-needed cutting down trees around the lake will also be undertaken and it was said reeds will naturally be allowed to grow at the site. Road run-off into Lawns was raised as an issue that needed attention: it wasn't clear if the budget could include this.

The de-silting work is clearly needed and part of the reason that the Stroud Community Land Trust agreed to take on the Lawns site management. However, while understanding the funding and timing limits etc, it is disappointing that the Lake will be de-silted without actually tackling some of the main causes of the silting. This is what happened over 10 years ago and without tackling the causes the Lake quickly silted up. Some residents are understandably concerned that history is repeating itself.

De-silting of the lake is very expensive and also damages biodiversity - we should be trying to avoid the need for it in the future - this site is difficult and may well need some de-silting but we could improve the situation significantly with measures like reed beds and other work further up the brook.

Everyone present agreed that the causes of the problems needed tackling and that a more formal partnership offered a possible way forward. Bob Nightingale (Stroud District Council) agreed to look into setting up a partnership to look at long-term solutions - possibly similar to the Bourne Partnership.

Other decisions from the meeting included:
- ideas to Bob about draft aims of partnership
- Cllr Laurence Carmichael will approach SDC re funding possibilities - SVP can also help in this area but need to be clear about what help we are seeking
- Bob to chase up CCTV results from Severn Trent
- Bob to produce initial survey of brook and then to look at what further work is needed to understand the problems
- RBAG and Julian Jones (Vision 21) to look at pulling together existing ideas that could be worked into draft plans for Hamwell Leaze. The idea would then be to consult with all partners and then seek funding for wider consultation with community.
- Environment Agency and Bob to look at funding re fishing lake
- agreement to meet again in 3 months time to review progress. Bob to ensure invite goes to all bodies.

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